Dogs rescued from freezing conditions in Brownsville
A dog and her puppies are safe after they were rescued by Brownsville animal control services during the recent arctic blast.
The dogs were found on Monday in the cold with no shelter, or adequate food and water.
The Brownsville Animal Regulation and Care Center received 40 calls during Tuesday’s cold weather.
On Monday, BARCC said they responded to 75 animal cruelty calls.
BARCC cited the owner because the dogs were not vaccinated or microchipped.
“One of them in particular had a big laceration across the neck, given the nature that whoever was owning the pet left the animal tied up straight with a chain,” BARCC Animal Services Manager Jean Carlos Rosado said.
Pet owners are not allowed to leave dogs outside by use of a restraint such as a chain. Those who need to keep their dogs outside must make sure they have access to an adequate shelter with a roof over their head and insulated walls.
BARCC says if you're found to be violating the laws, you could be cited or face jail time.
If you see suspected cases of animal abuse in Brownsville, call BARCC and file a report at 956-546-4357, or 956-548-7000.
Watch the video above for the full story.