
Edinburg mayor discusses prostate cancer diagnosis

By: Santiago Caicedo

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For Edinburg Mayor Ramiro Garza priorities have changed.

On Wednesday, Garza announced he was diagnosed with prostate cancer.

“I feel fine. I don't feel any pain anywhere, but I've got cancer,” Garza said.

READ MORE: Following prostate cancer diagnosis, Edinburg mayor encourages men to get tested

Garza, who has dedicated nearly 20 years of public service to the city of Edinburg sat down with Channel 5 News to talk about his diagnosis.

“The diagnosis was caught early, so very fortunate on that through a routine doctor’s visit,” Garza said.

As the Brownsville health authority, Dr. Christopher Romero said early prostate cancer detection is important before the disease becomes deadly or life altering.

“Identifying it early allows physicians to be to treat it very locally, and usually with great success,” Romero said. 

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, prostate cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related death within Hispanic men.

Experts say lower rates of insurance coverage is one reason why.

Dr. Romero said men might want to avoid the topic of prostate health.

“Men, we just tend to not pay as close attention to our health and do the preventative maintenance like we would normally do on our vehicles,” Romero said.

Prostate cancer is a health issue Garza said shouldn't be ignored.

“I’m hoping to raise awareness for men to get tested and take care of themselves,” Garza said. “At the end of the day this disease is like a lot of them. If you detect it early you can really do something about it."

Watch the video above for the full story. 


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