SpaceX meetings to discuss launch proposal draws mixed reactions
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The Federal Aviation Administration laid out the details of SpaceX’s proposal to launch their Starship vehicle 25 times a year from Boca Chica at a public meeting Tuesday.
Those attending provided their thoughts on the proposal at the Texas Southmost College campus in Brownsville.
Reactions from those attending were mixed.
"It's a lot of inconvenience, a lot more traffic, a lot more things going on out there," Brownsville resident Rene Medrano said.
Those opposed to the proposal brought up issues ranging from traffic, noise issues, and impacts to nesting shorebirds.
"Every time they have one of these launches, the eggs are being shattered. Those birds aren't coming back,” Brownsville resident Gloria Crixell said.
In November, the FAA completed a 160-page environmental review addresses issues such as pollution, traffic and launch safety and more.
READ MORE: New SpaceX environmental review released as FAA considers request for up to 25 launches per year
"If it was somewhat of an inconvenience at four or five launches, imagine 25," Brownsville resident Rene Medrano said.
Those who spoke in favor of the proposal pointed to the economic development that comes with SpaceX activity.
"The process for a company like this to do their [research and development] is a necessary part of the things to make sure progress happens,” Brownsville resident Rafael Vela said. “We are absent of tier 1 companies, and SpaceX represents that."
The FAA concluded the SpaceX proposal would not have "significant impacts" when it comes to air quality, climate, coastal, biological and cultural resources, and water.
Any impacts not considered "significant" will still be mitigated, the FAA said.
The public comment portion is the public's last chance to weigh in on the proposal. The FAA said they’ll review public comments before making a final decision on the SpaceX proposal.
The FAA did not take comments on an open mic or town hall style. Comments were recorded individually and in writing.
Those wanting to submit their comments can do so online by Friday, Jan. 17.
The public meetings are set for:
· Tuesday, January 7, 2025; 1:00 PM–3:00 PM & 5:30 PM–7:30 PM CT at the Texas Southmost College, Jacob Brown Auditorium, 600 International Boulevard, Brownsville, TX 78520
· Virtually on Monday, January 13, 2025; 5:30 PM–7:30 PM CT. Register here to attend the meeting.
A meeting for January 9 was also scheduled, but has since been cancelled. This is due to January 9 being designated as a National Day of Mourning to honor the late former President Jimmy Carter.
Public comments can also be submitted to online here.
They can also be mailed to Amy Hanson, FAA Environmental Specialist, SpaceX EA, c/o ICF, 1902 Reston Metro Plaza Reston, VA 20190, or delivered in written or verbal form during a public meeting.
More information on the SpaceX launch proposal is available here.
Watch the video above for the full story.