
Brownsville residents concerned over spike in homeowners insurance

Brownsville residents concerned over spike in homeowners insurance
5 months 3 weeks 21 hours ago Friday, September 13 2024 Sep 13, 2024 September 13, 2024 8:31 PM September 13, 2024 in News - Local

Insurance rates are up for homeowners and renters, and a non-profit that helps people with affordable housing says it's affecting those they help.

Come Dream Come Build is based in Brownsville. The group says they've noticed insurance rates rise anywhere between 30 and 40 percent.

The increase is affecting affordable housing across the country.

Low income rental properties are required by law to keep rent at a government approved rate. When insurance goes up, they can't raise the rent to cover the costs.

"We believe this could be the end of many affordable housing programs in this country if the government doesn't do something about this. The market isn't going to fix this," Come Dream Come Build CEO Nick Mitchell Bennett said.

The Texas Department of Insurance says some reasons for the spike is because of inflation and the cost of building materials and severe weather.

"And reinsurance is what insurance companies buy to protect themselves and kinda spread their risk in case of a big disaster where they'd have to pay out a large number of claims. Well, that's going up to all across the globe," Texas Department of Insurance spokesperson Ben Gonzalez said.

Gonzalez says if you want to lower your cost, consider changing your coverage and ask for any discounts.

He also recommends to shop around and compare coverages.

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