
Day 1 of ‘El Gallito’ murder trial wraps up

Day 1 of ‘El Gallito’ murder trial wraps up
5 months 1 week 3 days ago Tuesday, September 24 2024 Sep 24, 2024 September 24, 2024 6:56 PM September 24, 2024 in News

Day one of the trial for a man accused in the death of his uncle wrapped up Tuesday.

Salomon Campos Jr. is accused of kidnapping, shooting and killing his uncle — Ernesto "El Gallito" Gonzales. 

Campos pleaded not guilty to capital murder.

The case dates back to July 18, 2017, when Gonzales was reported missing.

Investigators say Gonzales’ remains were found three years later on Campos’ goat farm.

Three witnesses took the stand on Tuesday, including Gonzales' sister — Alicia Campos.

Alicia is also the mother of the defendant, Campos Jr.

Alicia told the jury that back in 2017, there were disagreements between the family over the power of attorney for their mother, who was sick at the time with complications from diabetes.

RELATED STORY: Mother claims innocence of son accused in Harlingen murder of her brother who went missing in 2017

Gonzales was fighting with their younger sister, Mary Anne, to have power of attorney over their mother. 

Alicia also told the jury she requested a protective order against Mary Anne because she "attacked her" at her mother's funeral.

Alicia also told jurors another brother told her that something bad was going to happen to Ernesto, and that he was going to either end up in the hospital or jail days before he was reported missing.

A deputy with the Cameron County Constable Precinct Four's office also took the stand Tuesday.

Body cam footage was shown to the jury of when the deputy arrived at the home of Gonzales' mother over a "verbal disturbance between family."

Gonzales' niece called the cops because she claimed he threw a "napkin dispenser" at her. No arrests or charges were made that day.

The defense claims the case dates back years before Gonzales went missing, as there were many family disputes between the siblings.

Testimony continues Wednesday

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