
Family of South Padre Island shark attack victim speaks out

Family of South Padre Island shark attack victim speaks out
8 months 1 day 10 hours ago Thursday, July 04 2024 Jul 4, 2024 July 04, 2024 6:19 PM July 04, 2024 in News - Local

UPDATE: On Friday, July 5, South Padre Island spokesperson Nikki Soto released more details on the four individuals who were treated following Thursday's shark attacks.

Previous story below:


Four incidents of a shark attack were reported at South Padre Island on Thursday.

Only two people were actually bitten, one was grazed and received minor injuries, while a man fought off the shark and received stitches, according to Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Game Warden Captain Chris Dowdy 

The father-in-law of the first victim says his son-in-law is expected to be OK. The victim was severely bitten on the leg at Beach Access 14, not far from Blackbeards' restaurant.

"I turned around, and he wasn't there anymore," Rayner Cardenas said.

Cardenas was swimming with family at the island when his son-in-law was pulled under the water.

"I started swimming towards him, and he jumped out of the water saying shark, shark, shark and that's when adrenaline kicked in. I started swimming after him," Cardenas said.

Cardenas says he carried him to shore and people were swarming to help.

His son-in-law was just one of two people bitten by a shark, but a total of four people were injured, according to Dowdy.

Officials believe the bites came from the same shark, and the shark is now further away from the shore.

South Padre Island Fire Chief Jim Pigg says the attacks caught them by surprise as well.

"I've lived here 14 years, I've never seen anything like this," Pigg said.

He says the sharks are curious about what's around them and may be near shore because of winds.

Now that the shark is further out and Pigg hopes to ease everyone's mind. He says all four victims have been taken to local hospitals.

Their conditions are unknown.

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