
Made in the 956: Munchy's Gourmet Delights

Made in the 956: Munchy's Gourmet Delights
5 months 2 weeks 4 days ago Tuesday, September 17 2024 Sep 17, 2024 September 17, 2024 12:30 PM September 17, 2024 in News - Local

A native from Veracruz, Mexico, has made the Rio Grande Valley his home. Now, he's turning his dream into a reality.

Pedro Ayala opened up a bistro in Edinburg, using his years of experience in the restaurant industry to create a unique place.

From the start, Ayala knew he had a passion for culinary arts.

"I love cooking, so I was thinking, I said to myself, why not to open a little place," Ayala said.


Ayala went from the kitchen to the classroom. He spent most of his life as a teacher in the Valley.

"I spent my life teaching at South Texas Independent School District. I started as a Spanish teacher, and then we came up with the idea of teaching culinary arts," Ayala said. "For the last three years, I was teaching culinary arts."

Ayala moved to Utah from Mexico to go to college. His first job was working at a restaurant, but his passion for culinary arts continued as a teacher.

He then thought about what to do with his free time once he retired.

"I had the dream to have a place of my own, to create wonderful food and wonderful treats," Ayala said.

So he and his wife, Linda, opened up Munchy's Gourmet Delights a couple of months ago.

The couple is hoping to leave a lasting impact in the Valley. They have salads, sandwiches, soups and even dessert on the menu.

"Things I'm so grateful for are my students. I love my students, they have been very supportive," Ayala said.

He says his former students are helping spread the word about his new business. He makes everything from scratch and has traveled the world to take classes internationally.

"I was in Florence, Italy. I went to culinary school there, I went to Spain in Salamanca and I took some cooking classes there," Ayala said.

He's bringing some of that flavor to his bistro, but the most important ingredient in that recipe, doing it with love.

"I cook from my hearts to their hearts," Ayala said.

Ayala brings his passion to the kitchen every day. He says the Valley is growing and wants to see his business grow with it.

Munchy's Gourmet Delights is made in the 956.

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