
Smart Living: Tips to pay less on streaming services

Smart Living: Tips to pay less on streaming services
3 weeks 2 days 21 hours ago Thursday, May 23 2024 May 23, 2024 May 23, 2024 12:08 PM May 23, 2024 in News

There's a lot of streaming services to choose from. The more you have, the more they cost. 

On average, people have over 10 subscriptions and are paying close to $130 over what they think they are actually paying. 

So what can you do to avoid overpaying?

First, regularly audit your subscriptions to identify which ones you truly need and which ones you can live without.

Forty-two percent of people have forgotten that they're still paying for subscriptions they no longer use. Check your smartphone subscriptions monthly by going to settings, click on your name at the top, click subscriptions, and it will list all of your subscriptions and your renewal date.

Additionally, consider bundling services when possible.

Change how you pay. Setting up a subscription that deducts money straight from your account can be sobering and have you reevaluate which subscriptions you don't need and don't forget to negotiate.

Many subscription providers are willing to negotiate on price, especially if you threaten to cancel your subscription.

Remember, sharing is caring.

Just because Netflix has banned sharing subscriptions, Amazon lets up to six people share. Through Apple's family sharing feature, six folks get Apple TV+ and Disney+ users can share here in the United States as well.

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