
Texan blamed for 5 slayings since 2012 gets life in prison

Texan blamed for 5 slayings since 2012 gets life in prison
5 years 11 months 2 weeks ago Tuesday, February 19 2019 Feb 19, 2019 February 19, 2019 3:33 PM February 19, 2019 in News - AP Texas Headlines

SAN ANTONIO (AP) - Prosecutors say a San Antonio man blamed for attacks since 2012 that left four women and one girl dead has been sentenced to life in prison without chance for parole.

Johnny Joe Avalos (AH'-vuh-lohs) was sentenced Tuesday in San Antonio. Court records show Avalos pleaded guilty to two indictments of capital murder of multiple persons.

Avalos acknowledged killing Vanessa Lopez in 2012, 15-year-old Natalie Chavez in 2014, plus Rosemary Perez and Celia Ann Lopez in 2015. Genevieve Ramirez was attacked in March 2015 and died the following month.

Prosecutor David Lunan described Avalos as "intellectually disabled" and thus not eligible for execution. Lunan says Avalos washed dishes at a restaurant, got off late and sought females to strangle and rape.

A defense attorney says Avalos has the mental capacity of a juvenile.

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