
Teach For America bringing more teachers to the RGV

Teach For America bringing more teachers to the RGV
2 years 11 months 2 weeks ago Thursday, July 01 2021 Jul 1, 2021 July 01, 2021 10:10 PM July 01, 2021 in News

A new wave of teachers is coming to the Rio Grande Valley, all thanks to the nonprofit organization, Teach for America. 

More than 30 teachers participating in TFA are gearing up to take on the next school year, serving low-income communities. 

"We believe that any child deserves an excellent education," Jon Stevens with TFA said. "An excellent education opens up a lifetime of possibilities."

The former Roma teacher says he's seen firsthand how certain factors in a child's life can play a role in their educational success; that's why he says he's choosing to help guide future leaders in the classroom. 

"We'll train them, we'll support them, they will work with a local school district," Stevens said. "They will seek to help their students reach their full potential academically, socially, [and] discover their passions and hopes for the future."

TFA officials say they're always looking for educators who are passionate and willing.

For more information, visit www.teachforamerica.org.  

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