
Made in the 956: Jessica Cabrera of Mount Calvary Christian Church

Made in the 956: Jessica Cabrera of Mount Calvary Christian Church
8 months 1 week 3 days ago Tuesday, June 25 2024 Jun 25, 2024 June 25, 2024 7:24 PM June 25, 2024 in News - Made in the 956

As the pastor of the Mount Calvary Christian Church in La Feria, Jessica Cabrera said she grew up in a faith-based family in the Rio Grande Valley.

“As I grew up, I realized there was something different about me, I just didn't know what,” Cabrera said. “Not really being able to explore those feelings, I kinda of rebelled against the church."

At 34 years old, Jessica's faith brought her back to the church looking for answers.

“I had a daughter at the time, so as a single parent I really needed to find something more, clarity and peace within my life,” Cabrera said.


But during that time, Jessica met a woman.

"I started a relationship with her and everything came tumbling down at that time,” Jessica said, 

Jessica says she lost her job, her faith, and even her church.

“When I went to church, my advisors there turned me away... and said, ‘you're allowed, but you're not allowed to let people know you're of the queer community.’"

All that eventually lead Jessica to Mount Calvary Christian Church.

“I walked into the doors on April 26, 2016, when we were located in Harlingen, and the minute I walked in, I knew I was home," Jessica said.

The church is now a proud member of the South Texas Equality Project, and is teaming up with other LGBTQ+ organizations.

"One of the things I hear a lot when I do these events is, ‘I never realized there was a gay church,’” Jessica said. “I'm not saying we're not a gay church, but I don't want to be known as the gay church. I'd like to be known as a church. We all love the same, we all cry the same, we all pray the same, we all read the same Bible. We're all just really loving individuals and really following what the teachings are of our lord when he walked among us, which is love one another."

Jessica Cabrera of Mount Calvary Christian Church, Made in the 956.  

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